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系别: 预防兽医系
通讯地址:郑州市郑东新区龙子湖高教园区15号 澳门人威尼斯4399龙子湖校区第一实验楼澳门人威尼斯4399 450046

2009年9月-2013年12月  澳门人威尼斯4399预防兽医学博士研究生
2004年9月-2007年06月  澳门人威尼斯4399预防兽医学硕士研究生
2000年9月-2004年06月  澳门人威尼斯4399动物医学专业 本科
2007年7月-至今  澳门人威尼斯4399 助教(2008),讲师(2011),副教授(2019),教授(2024)
2015年8月-2016年8月  美国俄亥俄州立大学博士后
河南省动物免疫学会  理事
1. 国家重点研发计划“宿主对畜禽冠状病毒的免疫应答与免疫保护机制”子课题(2021YFD1801105),2021-2024,在研,主持
2. 河南省高校科技创新人才项目:猪Delta冠状病毒对树突状细胞免疫功能的影响研究(21HASTIT039),2021-2023,在研,主持
3. 中原青年拔尖人才项目,2021-2023,在研,主持
4. 河南省高等学校青年骨干教师项目,2020-2023,在研,主持
5. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:纳米硅佐剂对猪传染性胃肠炎灭活疫苗触发树突状细胞免疫应答的作用机制(31802218)2019-2021,结项,主持
6. 国家重点研发计划“规模化地方猪养殖疫病综合防控技术集成与示范”子课题(2018YFD0501205),2018-2020,结项,主持
7. 河南省基础与前沿技术研究计划项目:猪白细胞介素18对猪圆环病毒2型重组猪伪狂犬病毒免疫影响研究(142300410156),2014-2017,结项,主持
8. 河南省高等学校重点科研项目:猪圆环病毒2型重组猪伪狂犬病毒的免疫原性研究(14A230002),2014-2017,结项,主持
9. 河南省高等学校重点科研项目:纳米硅佐剂对抗原递呈细胞处理与递呈抗原的影响(18A230007),2018-2020,结项,主持
10. 澳门人威尼斯4399科技创新基金项目:纳米硅佐剂增强抗原递呈细胞对猪传染性胃肠炎灭活疫苗免疫应答的分子机制(KJCX2018C02),2018-2020,结项,主持
1. Wang N, Wang Z, Ma M, Jia X, Liu H, Qian M, Lu S, Xiang Y, Wei Z*, Zheng L*. Expression of codon-optimized PDCoV-RBD protein in baculovirus expression system and immunogenicity evaluation in mice. Int J Biol Macromol. 2023, 252:126113.
2. Zhang Liu-Hui, Wang Tong-XuanFu Peng-Fei, Zhao You-Yi, Li Hong-Xuan Li, Wang Dong-Mei, Ma Shi-Jie, Chen Hong-Ying*, Zheng Lan-Lan*. First Molecular Detection and Genetic Analysis of a Novel Porcine Circovirus (Porcine Circovirus 4) in Dogs in the World [J]. Microbiol Spectr 2023, e0433322.
3. Hou Cheng-Yao, Zhang Liu-Hui, Zhang Yuan-Hang, Cui Jian-Tao, Zhao Li, Zheng Lan-Lan*, Chen Hong-Ying*. Phylogenetic analysis of porcine circovirus 4 in Henan Province of China: A retrospective study from 2011 to 2021 [J]. Transbound Emerg Dis 2022, 69(4):1890-1901.
4. Xu Tong, Chen Xi-Meng, Fu  Yin, Ai Yi, Wang Dong-Mei,  Wei Zhan-Yong, Li Xin-Sheng, Zheng Lan-Lan*, Chen Hong-Ying*. Cross-species transmission of an emerging porcine circovirus (PCV4): First molecular detection and retrospective investigation in dairy cows [J]. Vet Microbiol 2022, 273: 109528
5. Zhang Yuan-hang, Li Hong-xuan, Chen Xi-meng, Zhang Liu-hui, Zhao You-yi, Luo Ai-fang, Yang Yu-rong, Zheng Lan-lan*, Chen Hong-Ying*. Genetic Characteristics and Pathogenicity of a Novel Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus with a Naturally Occurring Truncated ORF3 Gene [J]. Viruses 2022, 14(3): 487.
6. Zhao Fu-Jie, Liu Lin-Tao, Wang Zi, Wang Nian-Xiang, Ma Meng-Yao, Jia Xin-Hao, Lu Si-Jia, Xiang Yu-Qiang, Zheng Lan-Lan*, Hu Hui*. Development and immunogenicity evaluation of porcine deltacoronavirus inactivated vaccine with different adjuvants in mice [J]. Vaccine 2022, 40(31):4211-4219.
7. Hou Cheng-Yao, Xu Tong, Zhang Liu-Hui, Cui Jian-Tao, Zhang Yuan-Hang, Li Xin-Sheng, Zheng Lan-Lan*, Chen Hong-Ying*. Simultaneous detection and differentiation of porcine circovirus 3 and 4 using a SYBR Green І-based duplex quantitative PCR assay [J]. J Virol Methods 2021, 293:114152.
8. Zheng Lan-Lan, Zhao Fu-Jie, Ru Jia-Xi, Liu Lin-Tao, Wang Zi, Wang Nian-Xiang, Shu Xiang-Li, Wei Zhan-Yong*, Guo Hui-Chen*. Evaluation of the Effect of Inactivated Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus Vaccine with Nano Silicon on the Phenotype and Function of Porcine Dendritic Cells [J]. Viruses 2021, 13(11):2158.
9. Zheng Lan-Lan,  Cui Jian-Tao, Qiao Han,  Li Xin-Sheng, Li Xiao-Kang*,  Chen Hong-Ying*. Detection and genetic characteristics of porcine bocavirus in central China [J]. Arch Virol 2021, 166(2):451-460.
10. Tian Run-Bo, Zhao Yu, Cui Jian-Tao, Zheng Hui-Hua, Xu Tong,  Hou Cheng-Yao, Wang Zhen-Ya, Li Xin-Sheng, Zheng Lan-Lan*, Chen Hong-Ying*. Molecular detection and phylogenetic analysis of Porcine circovirus 4 in Henan and Shanxi Provinces of China [J]. Transbound Emerg Dis 2021, 68(2): 276-282.
11. Zheng Lan-Lan, Cui Jian-Tao, Han Hao-Ying, Hou Hua-Lin, Wang Le-Yi, Liu Fang*, Chen Hong-Ying*. Development of a duplex SYBR GreenⅠ based real-time PCR assay for detection of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus and porcine bocavirus3/4/5 [J]. Molecular and Cellular Probes 2020, 51:101544.
12. Zheng Lan-Lan, Chai Lv-Ye, Tian Run-Bo, Zhao Yu, Chen Hong-Ying*, Wang Zhen-Ya*. Simultaneous detection of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus and porcine circovirus 3 by SYBR GreenІ-based duplex real-time PCR [J]. Molecular and Cellular Probes 2020, 49:101474.
13. Zhao Fu-Jie,  Liu Lin-Tao,  Xu Meng-Long, Shu Xiang-Li,  Zheng Lan-Lan*,  Wei Zhan-Yong*. Assessments of different inactivating reagents in formulating transmissible gastroenteritis virus vaccine [J]. Virol J 2020, 17(1):163.
14. Cui Jian-Tao, Qiao Han, Hou Cheng-Yao, Zheng Hui-Hua, Li Xin-Sheng, Zheng Lan-Lan*, Chen Hong-Ying*. Characteristics of the spike and ORF3 genes of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus in Henan and Shanxi provinces of China [J]. Arch Virol 2020.165(10):2323-2333.
15. Xu Peng-Li, Zhao Yu, Zheng Hui-Hua, Tian Run-Bo, Han Hao-Ying, Chen Hong-Ying*, Zheng Lan-lan*. Analysis of genetic variation of porcine circovirus type 2 within pig populations in central China[J]. Archives of Virology, 2019, 164(5), 1445-1451.
16. Zheng Lanlan, Jin Xiaohui, Wei Fashan, Wang Chaoqun, Chen Hongying, Wang Yabin, Wei Zhanyong*. Simultaneous detection of porcine pseudorabies virus, porcine parvovirus and porcine circovirus type 2 by multiplex real-time PCR and amplicon melting curve analysis using SYBR Green I[J].Veterinarni Medicina, 2018, 63(8), 358-366.
17. Zheng Lanlan, Guo Xiaoqing, Zhu Qianlei, Chao Anjun, Fu Pengfei, Wei Zhanyong, Wang Shujuan, Chen Hongying*,Cui Baoan. Construction and immunogenicity of a recombinant pseudorabies virus co-expressing porcine circovirus type 2 capsid protein and interleukin 18[J]. Virus Research, 2015, 201, 8-15.
18. Zheng Lanlan, Wang Ya-Bin, Li Ming-Feng, Chen Hong-Ying, Guo Xian-Po, Geng Jing-Wei, Wang Zhen-Ya, Wei Zhan-Yong*, Cui Bao-An. Simultaneous detection of porcine parvovirus and porcine circovirus type 2 by duplex real-time PCR and amplicon melting curve analysis using SYBR Green[J]. J Virol Methods 2013, 187(1):15-9
1. 2022年,河南省优秀科技论文二等奖,第一名
2. 2021年,河南省优秀科技论文一等奖,第一名
3. 2019年,河南省科技进步奖三等奖,第三名
4. 2019年,河南省教育厅科技成果奖励 一等奖,第三名
5. 2018年,河南省自然科学优秀论文二等奖,第一名
6. 2017年,河南省科技进步奖二等奖,第三名
7. 2015年,河南省自然科学优秀论文二等奖,第一名
1. 2023年,教育部青年长江学者
2. 2022年,河南青年五四奖章
3. 2022年,河南省高层次人才
4. 2021年,中原青年拔尖人才
5. 2021年,河南省高校科技创新人才
6. 2021年,河南省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛优秀指导教师
7. 2021年,澳门人威尼斯4399大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛优秀指导教师
8. 2020年,河南省大学生创业计划竞赛优秀指导教师
9. 2020年,澳门人威尼斯4399创新创业优秀指导教师
10. 2019年,河南省高等学校青年骨干教师
11. 2019年,河南省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛优秀指导教师